Linux command-line cheatsheet

Using help

apropos topic_name

Show list of manual pages related to topic

man topic_name

Show manual page for specified topic

info topic_name

Show info page for specified topic (sometimes easier to read than man)

whatis command_name

One-line summary for command

whereis command_name

Displays information where binary command is located; alternatively: “type command_name”

Working with filesystem


List current directory content, options: -l (detailed), -l – h (detailed with size in kB/MB), -l -S (detailed sorted by size), -a (plus hidden files whose names starts with dot), -t (sort by access time)
List current directory content, detailed

ls -l | more

List current directory content, detailed, piping output to more

du -hs /usr

Get /usr directory size


Get full path of current directory


Change directory, i.e. cd /home/tomeko, cd .. to go one level up, cd without parameters moves to current user home directory, “cd -“: switches between current and last directory; if path contains space use quotes, doublequotes or escape each space with backslash


Make directory; mkdir -p path creates also all needed upper level directories needed


Remove directory; rm -r for recursive, rm -rf for recursive with no confirmation


Another way of removing files and directories, switch -r for recursive, -f for force, -i for interactive

cp source destination

Copy files; use * to match all; options: -a (archive, copy file properties as well), -p (preverse, copy file owners and permissions), -r (recursive), -u (update: copy only if destination is older or does not exist)

mv source destination

Move (or rename) files

touch filename

Update access and modification of specified file to current; if file does not exist new file is created (unless -c option is used)

File-matching metacharacters


matches any number of characters


matches single character


Matches any one of the characters between the brackets; may include dash-separated range of letters or numbers; use exclamation for negation


Replaces user home directory

File ownership and permissions

Every file and directory has an owner. To determine user permissions to access file system checks first if user is file owner. In this case user gets permissions specified for file owner. If not, it checks if user is a member of group owner. Otherwise permissions for “other” users are used. File/directory ownership can be listed with ls -l. Newly created file group ownership is the same as user primary group, type groups to get list of groups user belongs to.

chown username filename

Change file ownership

chown -R username directory

Change ownership recursively

chgrp groupname filename

Change group ownership

chmod 751 filename

Change permissions to read+write+execute for user (4+2+1), read+execute (4+1) for group and execute (1) for others

chmod -R 777 directory

Change permissions recursively

chmod +x filename

Add execute permission for all users

chmod g+w filename

Add write permission for group; multiple changes can be combined with colons, i.e. chmod g+w,o-r,u+x filename

Searching for files

find /var/log -name "*log*"

Find files with names containing “log” in /var/log

find /usr/sbin -executable

Find executables

find /sbin -executable -size +100k

Find executables larger than 100 kB; all numeric arguments can be specified as +n (more than), -n (less than) or n (exact value)

find /var/log -mmin -10

Find files that were modified less than 10 minutes ago

find /var/log -amin -100

Find files that were accessed less than 100 minutes ago

locate file_pattern

Search tool working with indexed database – may be much faster than find

Working with archives

tar -czvf home.tar.gz /home

Create (c) zipped (z) file (f) with verbose output (v); more than one directory can be listed after space; option -C before source would cause storing paths as relative

tar -xzvf ./home.tar.gz

Extracts archive to current directory

tar -xvf /file.tar -C /dest_dir

Extracts archive to specified directory

Creating whole device (raw) backups

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/image.iso

Create device image

mount -o loop /image.iso /mnt

Mount device image

Symbolic and hard links

ln -s file symlink

Create symbolic link; symbolic link will fail if original link would be removed

ln file hardlink

Create hard link; hard link behaves like a copy of the file that is synchronized continuously

Process management

ps aux

Process list

ps aux | grep keyword

Process list with filter


Process tree


Process monitor; use top -u username to limit to only specified user processes; Shift+M to sort by memory usage, Shift+P to sort by CPU usage, k to kill process with specified signal (15 = SIGTERM, 9 = SIGKILL), q to quit

kill [-s signal] process_pid

Kill process with specified PID; by default uses signal 15, SIGKILL

program_name &

Start program in background


Get the list of programs running in background

fg job_number

Bring job to foreground

bg job_number

Resume (stopped with Ctrl+Z) job in background

kill %job_number

Kill process related to job number


netstat -platune

Information about current network connections, ports listening and programs involved

nmap ip_address

Port scan



List currently loaded kernel modules

modinfo module_name

Detailed module informations

modprobe module_name

Load module (-v for verbose, -f to force ignoring kernel version)

modprobe -r module_name

Unload module


Display kernel message log

Other usefull commands


List environment variables


Recently used commands (not necessary this session only); add number to limit to N recent entries


Execute command from history from specified position


Execute last “cd” command instance from history


Run again last command containing specified string


Change password for the current user (also applies to root)

su [username]

Temporary change your identity; type exit to go back to your account

shutdown -r now

Reboot computer

shutdown -h now

Shut down (halt)


Get list of currently logged users and their activity


Clear screen

ldd executable_name

Show shared library dependencies for specified executable (required system libraries)


List open files; lsof -u username to limit to specified user

uname -a

Shows basic informations about kernel, processor, current user, helps to identify distro


Display current user account name


Recent logins, reboots and shutdowns


Shows current date and time


Display calendar (whole year if without arguments)

man ascii

Displays ASCII table

ssh username@ip_address

Initiate ssh session

scp filename username@ip_address:/home/my_path

Transfer file to remote computer (-r for recursive directory copying)

Some shortcuts

Ctrl+Alt+F1 ... Ctrl+Alt+F6

Switching to tty1 … tty6


Switching back to graphical environment

Tab, double Tab

While typing command: file/directory name autocompletion

Vi(m): text editor

Pretty non-intuitive command line editor. Use nano if available.

vi filename

Create new or open existing file for editing


switching from input mode to command mode


switching from command mode to input mode

:w newfile (command mode)

Save file with new name


Quit without saving


Save file


Save current file and exit


Undo last changes


Go to the bottom of the file

Displaying text file content

cat filename

Plain lister that just dumps content on the screen

cat filename

Plain lister; tac displays lines in reverse order

cat filename | grep keyword

Show file lines containing specified keyword

tail -f /var/log/syslog

Shows last lines (10 by default) of specified file and waits for file updates

head /var/log/syslog

Shows first lines (10 by default) of specified file

less /var/log/syslog

Lister with browsing capabilities. Type :q (similar to vim) to exit.

diff --side-by-side file1 file2

Shows diff in human-readable form

Common directories


Essential binaries available to all users


Binaries for the system administrator (i.e. fdisk)


Kernel image (vmlinuz) and other vital components


Files corresponding to system hardware


Configuration files


Users personal files. Current user home directory can be referred to with shortcut ~

/mnt and/or /media

Mounted data storage


Most all-user accessible files; most programs are stored in /usr/bin


Used as directory for complex software packages (i.e. office suite)


Interface to system memory and some system features, current state of the kernel, i.e. /proc/cpuinfo (print processor specification: cat /proc/cpuinfo), /proc/meminfo, /proc/net/sockstat, /proc/sys/fs/file-max, /proc/process_PID_number


Used as root home directory (instead of /home)


Important services like HTTP or FTP and their files


Directory similar to /proc, but stored directly on disk


Directory where every user can write to


i.e. print spool

[taken from]