Month: September 2011

  • Kate and cleaning Byte Order Mark

    Once upon time BOM stole a few hours…. Over the years, Kate editor become my favorite editor and even more. With constant active development kate is more powerful than ever. Initially, I needed a light kde editor for my python projects: kate performed great. Over the time, I used kate more and more, and now […]

  • Awstats & virtual hosts

    Gentoo has finaly moved away from webapp-config and simplified updating awstats. The example of apache config file setting awstats for apache virtual hosts runnig wsgi application is given bellow. Prerequisites are apache proxy for wsgi app, and awstats visible at using authentication. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName Serveralias ServerAdmin ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ […]

  • Dora saves the Snow Princess

    Today Ania completed on her own her first video game. Wii version of Dora saves the Snow Princess doesn’t teach much, but helps kids to figure out the basics of using wii game controller. In order to complete a specific action in a game a certain controller motion is needed. The game itself is repetitive […]

  • Socks5 proxy and wget

    I’ve tried to set wget bash loop over socks5 proxy and was surprised to find out that wget does not have included proxy support. First start your proxy tunnel on port 8080 with ssh -o “ServerAliveInterval 60” -o “ServerAliveCountMax 3” -f -C -N -D *:8080 user@my.proxy.server &> tunnel.log My firefox utilizes this tunnel perfectly – […]

  • Here it is

    so I stared a blog! Wonderful. I can share my thoughts with anyone on the planet. Hello world. And who the hack cares what I think, what I do, what I eat, what I write, etc… Is this just yet another pathetic blog in the see of junk, or maybe something so popular that people […]